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The energy of the place
When materialized space is not suitable
The magnetic field at that spot collapses.

But the space there
If you are perfectly integrated with that energy
The place exudes the best vibes

Through the energy of the place and through repeated dialogue with the client,
"How simple can it be?" I asked myself again and again.
We will pursue minimalist beauty and abundance in both lifestyle and design.

Healing is about allowing yourself to return to your true self. Architecture is a place where different things come together, creating balance and harmony.

I am thinking on a global scale about creating architecture that has healing vibrations that will heal the world. My mission is to create architecture on Earth that represents peace and harmony, and to point the Earth in the direction of peace and harmony.


Kikkawa Naoyuki
Architect, Thinker, Metaverse Architect
First-class architect

1972Born in Ibaraki Prefecture
1997Graduated from the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Kanagawa University
1997 E.I.Design office Rustic Architectural Institute
2003Transfer to Italy
2005Established Yoshi Design Office
2008Office moved from Minamisenju to Tsukuba
2008open a cafe
2014A gallery and rental space are added to the cafe

2019Opened Tokyo office
Singapore Amber International HoldingsBecame an in-house designer
2020Became an in-house designer at Greenwich Co., Ltd.

​2021Opened Denmark office
​2024Opened Swizerland office

Design flow

(total floor30In the case of designing a tsubo house)

  1.hearing survey
1. to 3.It's basically free. We also offer consultation on site selection.
  5.Basic design approx.3months
  6.Detailed design approx.3months
  7.Confirmation application work approx.3week~2about a month
  8.Contractor bidding (comparative quotation), quotation adjustment1.5months ※ contract
Ten.On-site supervision approx.Fivemonths~7months
* Bid/estimate adjustment period
7.We will proceed in parallel with the confirmation application work.


design fee

At Yoshi Design Office,

Total construction cost for new housing construction12%

of total construction costs in housing renovation work15%

Total construction costs for stores, offices, hotels, etc.15%

as a design fee.
We will consult on a case-by-case basis based on various conditions such as the purpose and scale of the building, the amount of the total construction cost, and remote locations.


Expenses other than construction and design fees

(When building a new house)

<Confirmation application fee, intermediate inspection fee, completion inspection fee>

<Flat35,flat35S, agency fees for long-term, high-quality housing applications, etc.>

<Existing house demolition cost>
<Surveying fee>
<Ground investigation fee>
<Soil improvement>
<Cost for the groundbreaking ceremony>
<Cost for construction ceremony>
<Loan fee>

Company Profile

Kichi Design Office

First-class architect office Registered with Ibaraki Prefectural Governor No.A3343issue(2505)

Japan Federation of Architects Office Liability Insurance


Tsukuba Head Office
4-6-3 Kenkyugakuen, Tskuba-city, Ibaraki, 305-0817, Japan
TEL&FAX 029-886-5682

Tokyo officeCentral Building 2nd floor fabbit, 1-1-5 Kyobashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0031, Japan

Switzerland Office Strassburgerallee 86, 4055 Basel, Switzerland

Denmark Office Amaliegade 6. 2. tv., DK -1256 Copenhagen K, Denmark


online shop
Atelier como(Atelier Como)

Corporate profile

4-6-3 Kenkyugakuen, Tsukuba City, Ibaraki 305-0817, Japan

Kichi Architectural Design First Class Architecture OfficeTEL&FAX +81(29)-886-5682

Atelier como TEL&FAX +81(29)-886-5683

First Class Architectural Office Ibaraki Prefecture Governor Registration number A3343 (2505)

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